Friday, July 21, 2006

Heroes: NBC
Okay, so I lied. It has been hellish recently for me. I have been relocated for a job and let me tell you moving in no fun. Busy with all of life over things has left this blog very neglected. Welll, thing are slowly settling down and hope to resume a normal schedule soon.

One of the new TV shows I am really sike to see it Heroes on NBC. It has recently got a lot of press during Comic-con this year. Newsarama has an excellent interview with writer Jeph Loeb. "Some people are born to be extraordinary," Loeb explained. "They thought they were like everyone else until they work with incredible abilities... Heroes chronicles the lives of these everyday people and the lives of others like them. People whose destiny just might be saving humankind!"

The trailer looks awesome and I can't wait to see more. Comic-con is going to be have a special screening. Lets hope that it is going to create the same buzz and excitement that Lost received 2 years ago.


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