Monday, April 10, 2006

Batman Annual #25, Blue Beetle #2, Green Arrow #60, Green Lantern #10, Robin #148: Well, I am finally going to get around posting some new reviews. This time around I am going to focus on the ultra hot One Year Later event that has been running through the DC world. The premise is that one year has past in the world after the Infinite Crisis and the world has changed.

Batman Annual #25: Okay, so the first review is not on a OYL book, but it is one that has gotten a lot of press and hype (enough to get a second pressing). Red Hood, er Hush, er Jason Todd has been running amuck in Gotham and torturing poor old Batman. Well, this is the issue that tells how Jason Todd survived the blast and the thousands of votes to kill Jason. (Perhaps the postal man lost hundreds of vote to save Jason.)
Storywise Judd Winick does admirable job showing Jason's pain and motives. You actually feel sorry for Jason and understand why he hates both the Joker and Batman so much. The art by Shane Davis is good and would work as the regular penciler. My only complaint is the price of $4.99. Wow can DC really jack the price. The story was good, but not 5 dollar good? RATINGS: STORY- 7/10 ART- 7/10

Blue Beetle #1: So the first Blue Beetle was kill in the OMAC series and of course to bring in a new one in his own series. To be honest, I did not really care for the character the first time. So I was tempted to pass on this one. Meet Jamie. He is your ordinary teenager in El Paso, Texas who happen to find this strange blue beetle. Of course, he runs into Guy Gardner and they fight, which ends with the realization that he is the Blue Beetle.
This issues is your standard first issue comic. It introduces the main character and his supporting cast while focusing on teenage superheroes problems. Average story with average art. Plan to check out the next issue before making final decision. RATINGS: STORY- 5/10 ART- 6/10

Green Arrow #60: It is a year later in Star City. Things have changed. Green Arrow is missing. The city is suffering from the fallout of Amsterdam Disaster. Oh by the way Ollie Queen is mayor of the city.
This premise reminds me of happened in Daredevil when he took over Hell's Kitchen. Hopefully Ollie will have better luck than Daredevil. (Since Daredevil is in jail now). I am really interested in where Judd Winick is planning for this Ollie. Call me a fanboy, but I love Scott McDaniel artwork. I love his style and storytelling. RATINGS: STORY- 8/10 ART-8/10

Green Lantern #10: I have been talk about the great job Geoff Johns as been doing for comics. He has resurrected the Flash franchise and keep me hooked on the Teen Titians. Seems like everything he has touch has turn into gold. Green Lantern has been no exception. Up to now, this series has been on an excellent direction. Unfortunately, the OYL may have slow things down... There is a bounty on Hal's head. The United Nation hates Hal. And of course Green Lanterns has a beef with Hal. Nothing is going right.
Unfortunately, OYL came at the wrong time for GL. This issue lays some groundwork for the future, but this issue itself is weakest from Geoff. But there is potential in future storylines... Sinestro. I like Ivan Reis's art. It has a strong traditional sense. RATINGS: STORY-5/10 ART-7/10

Robin #148: Robin has turned Gotchaman. Well at least the style of his costume. The issue starts with Robin finding himself in an alley with what appears to be a dead Batgirl. Of course, the dead Batgirl is really Lynx. The real Batgirl is no where to be found. Now a chase to find Robin the killer begins.
This is probably the most intriguing comic of this batch. Roam Beechan is new to me, but I think I am going to enjoy future issues by. My favorite line is when Batman replies to Robin explaining that he did not kill Batgirl, "I figure it wasn't the real Batgirl. You couldn't have beaten Cassie." Going to love Roam's humor. The art is uneven for me. RATINGS: STORY- 8/10 ART-3/10

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