Sunday, February 26, 2006

Yesterday was a good day, of course today I have to work:
Last night I went to the Coldplay concert in Houston. Let me say it was awesome. Fionne Apple was the opening act and did a good job. Her set which was probable on 30-45 minutes long was 6-7 songs long. The set included all 4 songs that I was familar with (including "Criminal" and "Shadowboxer"), so it was entertaining for the most part. The songs that I did not know was made interesting with her spastic seizure like movements.
Then Coldplay went on stage... I must admit that I haven't been to a concert in like 4 years and I missed the energy and fun live music. (I think the last concert was another Brit-pop band, Travis.) I felt like a 13 year old school girl, screaming and cheering. Coldplay did not disappoint. Chris Martin is soulful and charmastic on stage. You can't help but sing along with them. The band has been a round for 3 albums and each one has its number of hits, which allows the causal fan sing too. The highlights of this concert: "Yellow", "Scientist", Johnny's Cash's "Ring of Fire", "Spiderwebs", and "Swallow in the Sea." At the end of the concert, you are hoping they would do every song and a few more cover songs too. If you have chance to catch them live, I would highly recommend it.

And this week, my comics are coming in... I'm so excited. I'm giddy like a 13 year old.

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